Using django-compressor on
Published: jan 11, 2012
This is a small tip to how to get django-compressor running on as smooth as possible.
- Install django-compressor (add it to your requirements file that is) according to the docs.
Add this snippet to you epio.ini, this is to make a symlink to your /media, since this is the only place you can write to on, and django-compressor can only write to the same place it reads from.
[symlinks] static/CACHE = ../data/CACHE
I never got STATICURL to work, even when I added it to COMPRESSOFFLINE_CONTEXT so I had to do a little workaround, add this to your template
{% load static %} {% compress css %} {% get_static_prefix as STATIC_PREFIX %} <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ STATIC_PREFIX }}css/style1.css"/> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ STATIC_PREFIX }}css/style2.css"/> {% endcompress %}
That should sum it up pretty good!